Archive for the Uncategorized Category

2011 in review

Posted in Uncategorized on January 1, 2012 by generalzod28

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2011 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 1,600 times in 2011. If it were a cable car, it would take about 27 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

2011 in review.

Posted in Uncategorized on December 30, 2011 by generalzod28

Welcome all, you have come upon the continued musings of ZOD. In this edition of the inner workings of my brain we shall explore the events that piqued my interest in 2011.

You earthlings lost three major figures of evil on the world stage. Bin laden, Gaddafi, and Kim Jong Il all died. This was not a coincidence. Zod has been busy consolidating his grip upon the world. The world shall indeed be a better place without these men running the lives of the thousands of people that were around and subjugated by their regimes. In the case of North Korea Zod was unable to establish a new more benevolent ruler. This does not mean that I shall not be watching from the shadows ready to intercede should these new leaders get out of line.

Moving along many of the worlds astronomers have been steadily finding new planets around far flung stars that are smack dab in the “Goldilocks”  zone. This means that they sit squarely in the zone around their star that if atmospheric are similar that planet could support life as we know it. This has been just the beginning of  the analysis of the Data provided by orbiting telescopes. Years from now when you Humans have launched far more powerful telescopes you will discover that you are not alone in the universe. This discovery will be the greatest discovery of your civilization. It is the greatest discovery of any civilization.

We also general upheaval in the Arabic region of your Planet Houston. Peoples that are repressed have discovered that if they band together no force not even Zod would be able to resist the tide of change. All peoples everywhere yearn to be free of the chains that imprison them. Dictators must beware and know that their time is drawing to a close. the advent of social media has made it so they have no place to hide their actions.  The heavy handed police actions used by existing regimes attempting to hold onto power have been broadcast to the rest of the world Via you tube. These actions only served to fuel the rage that had built up for years in these countries.

In closing Zod will elucidate upon the most important “near” discovery of the year. At the LHC on the Swiss border scientists have come ever closer to finding the elusive god particle. This is the particle that imparts mass to everything around it. The actual documentation of this particle will lead to a slew of new discoveries for humanity. The possibilities are truly unimaginable. You all would enter a new phase of existence. you would move from a level 0 race in galactic terms to a level 1 race. A truly remarkable achievement.

All this will be built upon in the coming years. Hopefully through determination and the power of goodwill we will see a better 2012. That is providing the Mayans were wrong about the end of the world.


The 1%

Posted in Uncategorized on October 29, 2011 by generalzod28

I may not be in the one percent group of wealthy Empire Ave players but Ive been around long enough to have the spare Eave flow to spend one what I want. The Greatest thing to me about this game is the fact that I can make the day of some newbie investor by going in all the Way. In a Truly altruistic motion instead of getting something in return I want to give away all of the current bank inventory I have. Using a Bank Amount of 11.8 million dollar I will give it all away. Spend it in the expendapalooza event please. I need nothing in return. I only hope that you all remember that the peace and understanding are the best things humanity can have.

Vote Zod in 2012!

Posted in Uncategorized on June 28, 2011 by generalzod28

Dear Followers,

Today Lord Zod is very pleased to announce his campaign to be elected to the office of president of the United States of America.  Lord Zod has many years of experience in leading and getting the hard jobs done. If elected to the great office of the presidency Zod shall promise the following.

Since Zod himself is a one man army and air force the entire military will be converted to a national work crew. Pay rates will remain the same yet you will soon see all the money that was being spent on weapons of war now spent on fixing roads and bridges. We shall also see a era of great public works of art and industry. Much of the former defense research budget will be re directed to the research on renewable energies and helping the American economy recover from its very long recession.  Should a foreign power decide to test the boundaries of Americas new status quo they will find very quickly that Zod will crush the masterminds of the violence and leave all the civilians in said aggressor country unharmed.

Zod believes that when you focus on the matters at hand in your own  homeland the ability to help others shall follow. One major item that Zod would like to point out is that this not a isolationist policy. To enable us as country to help the less fortunate countries out we must focus all of our considerable intellects  upon the problems that face us at home. After we have learned how to tackle the issues head on we can then apply the same methodology to other countries should they choose to accept our help. We will no longer force our point of view upon another country or culture. This has lead to misunderstandings in the past called wars. We shall merely focus upon developing the technologies that will allow humans to continue the march forward into the bright future of the cosmos.

A Army appears on the Horizon

Posted in Uncategorized on May 19, 2011 by generalzod28

One of the most Oft quoted lines in the Bible is ” We are Legion for we are many”

There have been many global develops on Planet Houston in the intervening time since ZOD last updated you on his comings and goings. A great terrorist was killed in a daring raid by US Navy seal operatives. Since Zod is intrigued  by such actions he shall expound upon this event tonight.

On a dark early morning the sound of a strange helicopter reverberated all through an neighborhood in Pakistan. A small team of elite SEALS inserted and took down their objective in a suspicious house. The Target was Osama BIn Laden. The leader of a global terrorist network and planner of many heinous evils against innocents. Zod did not like his style of  global domination. To strike from the shadows is a show of cowardice. When you choose to lead a attack you must lead from the forefront and in the open to strike from the shadows implies that you are not worthy of taking to the battlefield.  If Zod were in charge he would have done the following. One he would have captured Bin Laden Alive. Then taken him to The Fortress of solitude. Upon arriving Zod would have used the fortresses ablities to reprogram his mind and lead his organization to a far more peaceful route.  Remember when you can avoid bloodshed you are leaving your options open!

Join The ranks of Zods Army!

I Have Joined the Justice League [X]

Posted in Uncategorized on April 29, 2011 by generalzod28

The World Order has indeed been shook up. Due to the reformations undertaken by Zod on his adopted planet Houston, the Justice League has allowed Zod to join their ranks. Yes Lord Zod the great intergalactic commander has been compelled to join the ranks of the good guys. This marks a changing in the way Zod is seen on Empire Avenue. From now on the Kneeling shall be kept to a bare minimum.  This will be Zods semi Permanent Status

” If I buy you DO NOT buy back. Spread the Wealth to those who really need it. Buy some New people and make some new connections!”

A new age has dawned upon EAv. [X] has joined forces with Zod’s Army. Together these two groups will lead the way into the future of social media. Zod’s Army will see a new philanthropy bent to its actions. Zod wishes to spread the good cheer of Social media. That is all for this day in the life of Zod…

Break Down!!

Posted in Uncategorized on April 26, 2011 by generalzod28
Want to improve your Empire Ave score? Follow this breakdown of the way Empire Avenue makes your share price and watch your score go up!!
FB is likes and comments on any posts you put up.
Twitter is directs and Re Tweets. RT’s are serious #Sharepricejuice
Linked In is expanding your contacts and interaction on LI
Youtube is number of views and subscriptions also your total Audience.
Flicr is number of pics posted and comments on pics.
EAv is in site interaction. Thumbs and community actions.
All these are combined into a Meta Score with some Super Secret EAv sauce and out comes your share price score. Add to it share buys and sells and you have Market Makers
Zod has Spoken!

Get Up! Stand up!

Posted in Uncategorized on April 23, 2011 by generalzod28

Your Human rights.

What are the inalienable rights that Humans should be afforded? Can we as a global society pay the cost of every human on the planet being extended these rights? these are the questions we will explore today.

The right to be free of tyranny. This has been the driving force of revolution since before recorded history. People as a whole bristle at the thought of being controlled. Tyranny is the ultimate form of control. In a society that is kept under a iron fist there is nothing but total control of you and your family. Not knowing if the gestapo will show up at your door in the middle of the night can be exceptionally stressful. Stress on a society as a whole will lead to unrest. Unrest will lead to the majority asking for social reform. If nothing is done then revolution forces change. What would be the result of the abolishment of tyranny globally? I believe it would lead to a second renaissance. Only on a global scale. This is indeed a human right we can afford to every human on the planet.

The right to free speech. There have been many places and times that free speech has flourished and society has been all the better for it. Free speech leads to all ideas being brought forth and discussed through mostly civil discourse.  Free speech however does have its drawbacks. Those deemed unstable can gather a following and change the flow of others minds. In a society that stifles free speech these individuals are quickly silenced. The greater good however is not served in these societies. Most people will realize that these people are indeed unstable. We can afford to extend this right to all those that want it. If you have something to say speak up and be heard by your peers. Just remember that all will not agree. Thats the beauty of free speech. I dont have to agree if i dont want to.

The pursuit of happiness. this has a different meaning for every single human. What makes one happy isnt necessarily what makes the next one happy. If destruction and violence is what makes you happy then you can not be extended this right.  This is a tricky one to extend to everyone. It has to be granted to the overall majority to keep progress going forward. Yet it has to be stripped from those that would hold it back through violent means. So Pursuit of Happiness cannot be extended to everyone.

In closing basic rights are something we should as a global society work on. To many live under the threat of death or imprisonment at a moments notice. Bringing about this kind of change takes a collective effort. Start the effort by helping one person tomorrow. Be it a kind word or just sit and listen to them for a minute. You never know what you might hear. Over and out folks!!

Ramble On

Posted in Uncategorized on April 21, 2011 by generalzod28

When talking about topics in general there seems to be a bent in the modern culture towards the next new thing. Granted that progress upon the “Golden Path” have made humanity a race that is able to contemplate their place in the universe. Just being able to do that separates us from all the other species on out planet. Soon we will see the invention of a clean renewable energy that can replace oil as our primary energy source. This will free humanity from many constraints that keep us tied to just a single planet.

Within all this progress I think we are losing a key part of our pasts. The ability to be self reliant for food and water are slowly becoming Non skills. With everything that we need on a daily basis being sold at Wal Mart there is no need to have a few basic skills. Gardening basic repair and food preservation are a few  that immediately come to mind. If just a small group of people started applying skill sets lost to most of the modern society it would spread when the financial savings are observed. Thats my thinking on it anyhow. Enjoy your day folks and thanks for reading.

“Feeling Zod Like”

Posted in Uncategorized on April 7, 2011 by generalzod28

Coming back from may conquests all across the galaxy Zod has found this planet in quite a uproar. It seems that the “Middle Eastern Houston” Has erupted in ill will and foul feelings. Zod has sat back and watched as one country after the other has broken down and rebuilt it self in a new way. It also seems that a disaster of epic proportions has happened in  Japan.

First things first. The Middle eastern portion of the planet has made a statement about who or what shall be their future.  This is a great thing for the planet as a whole. Its what is called a stress moment. If Your planet can pass this test it will bode well for the Human race. If the peoples of the earth are fully represented by democracies it will mean that finally humanity can proceed towards a general consensus.  The time of the dictators of old seem to topple near every month. One of the more eccentric ones “Gadaffi” Has proven a tough one to oust. The international Community was nearly as a whole in agreement that something had to be done before too much civilian life is lost. The Greatest tool in the arsenals of these rebels is The Internet. Possibly one of the greatest Human inventions  ever. It caused the connection of billions of minds. A few of the like minds resided in Egypt. They banded together and became a Very old nation under new rule.  This is just the beginning. Those who are repressed have a way to communicate.

Zod has also observed the the great tragedy in japan has still not come under complete control. The worlds economy has not yet seen what the reliance we all had on Japan. They were the producers of high end computer and machine parts. Unless some other country with infrastructure to step in does, the global economy will see the effects in about two more months. Cars and computer parts will slow down.  This may cause one of three things to happen. The first being no country steps in to fill the void and we see a global economy shrink. the second is we see a separate country step in and move to fill the manufacturing void left. More than likely said country would see a economic Boom. Hopefully said country sends money to japan to help in humanitarian  efforts!  The third would be  That japan gets back on its feet far quicker than anyone anticipates. Any of these possibilities exist. It can be said that Zod for one has a positive outlook on things and will keep a watch full eye.  The future is bright folks!  Now back To the Phantom Zone for a bit!